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Enumeration representing consumer disclosure options. Represents the possible values of `limit_disclosure' property as defined in Input Descriptor

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class ConstraintsV2(val fields: List<FieldV2>? = null, val limitDisclosure: ConformantConsumerDisclosure? = null)

Represents constraints for an input descriptor.

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class FieldV2(val id: String? = null, val path: List<String>, val purpose: String? = null, filterJson: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, val predicate: Optionality? = null, val name: String? = null, val optional: Boolean? = null)

Represents a field in a presentation input descriptor.

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FieldV2Validator Validator.

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class Format(val jwt: JwtObject? = null, val jwtVc: JwtObject? = null, val jwtVp: JwtObject? = null)

Represents the format of a presentation definition.

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class InputDescriptorMapping(val id: String, val format: String, val path: String, val pathNested: InputDescriptorMapping? = null)

Represents descriptor map for a presentation submission.

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class InputDescriptorV2(val id: String, val name: String? = null, val purpose: String? = null, val format: Format? = null, val constraints: ConstraintsV2)

Represents an input descriptor in a presentation definition.

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InputDescriptorV2Validator Validator.

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class JwtObject(val alg: List<String>)

Represents a JWT object.

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Enumeration representing optionality.

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class PresentationDefinitionV2(val id: String, val name: String? = null, val purpose: String? = null, val format: Format? = null, val submissionRequirements: List<SubmissionRequirement>? = null, val inputDescriptors: List<InputDescriptorV2>)

Presentation Exchange

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PresentationDefinitionV2Validator Validator.

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class PresentationSubmission(val id: String, val definitionId: String, val descriptorMap: List<InputDescriptorMapping>)

Represents a presentation submission object.

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PresentationSubmission Validator.

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enum Rules : Enum<Rules>

Enumeration representing presentation rule options.

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class SubmissionRequirement(val name: String? = null, val purpose: String? = null, val rule: Rules, val count: Int? = null, val min: Int? = null, val max: Int? = null, val from: String? = null, val fromNested: List<SubmissionRequirement>? = null)

Represents submission requirements for a presentation definition.